Yoohoo! Berlin is calling faeries of all colours, shapes, ages, genders, sexualities and identities to a Solstice celebration. Wherever we meet, magic arises from unconditional love, intimacy, touch and affection, sharing our stories and talents. Let’s discover the city in new and exciting ways; creating a space to connect, explore, relax, have fun and celebrate the longest day of the year together.
Save the Date!
Our gathering starts on Wednesday, June 18th,around 6 pm with an opening ceremony and a nice dinner.
We will end the gathering on Sunday, June 22th,around 3 pm after brunch and a closing ceremony.
What‘s on the menu? – Anything you like!
The gathering is co-created by those who attend it. Let’s share what’s meaningful to us with each other. If you want to facilitate an activity, please let us know in the registration form. Facilitators are encouraged to reserve spots in their events for members of marginalized communities. The creation of support spaces for those communities is especially welcome.
Activities at the gathering could include:
Creating a solstice ritual, having heart circles, a „no-talent-show“, expanding our knowledge of the queer history of Berlin, connecting in safe queer communal spaces throughout the city, sunbathing in the park, game night, picnic by the lake, yoga sessions, sing-along Kirtan, cuddle puddle or a faerie auction for fundraising to name a few.
Hopefully this will foster connections and community between faeries and the city.
If you don’t (yet) have friends to stay with or can organize your accommodation yourself, we will look for local faeries to host you or help you with other means of accommodation. See our separate accommodation form if you need a bed in Berlin.
If you live in Berlin and have a spare bed or couch, why not offering it to a fellow faerie from abroad? Please use the accommodation form, if you‘d like to provide this.
How to register:
Before you register make sure you have read the “good to know” page on our website.
When you register, let us know if and what you’d like to offer during the gathering.
In the coming weeks, we will gather the proposals for the activities and create a framework for our joint discoveries.
Most events and offerings will take place in Berlin-Kreuzberg. We are going to have a nice faerie-base close to Kottbusser Tor.
To keep things manageable, only registered participants can attend the gathering events.
The costs of the gathering will be shared on a donation basis. To help keep our gathering financially accessible we work on the three principles of…
NOTAFLOF (No-one turned away for lack of funds/lots of funds)
GAYABAGS (Give as you’re able but always give something)
ADAFAE (Additional donations and finance accepted enthusiastically)
We expect a cost of approximately 10-20€/day/faerie for renting communal spaces, buying materials and other organizational costs. Meals will be mostly organized as picnics or pot lucks, calculate some extra budget for this according to your own needs.
The Orga-Team is happy to welcome you to Berlin and we‘re looking forward to the time together.