All posts by Steffi

A final note from the Orga-Team

Dear faeries from the Summer in Berlin gathering,

the Orga team is super happy how the event went and we are touched by all the lovely feedback and gratitude we received.

We‘d like to be transparent about the finances: We had expenses for location rent, food and workshop materials of 3.060 €. Participants contributed 3.820 €. Thank you everyone for giving generously.

We feel that the remaining 760 € should be donated to two lgbtq+ organizations so we spread our faerie love and energy back into the community.

To support a local organization we chose Berlin Collective Action and as an international organization we chose Queere Nothilfe Uganda.

If any of you has a strong objection towards this handling please let us know soon with your reasons. We will reconsider then. If we don’t get any objection by July 25th we will send the money to the above mentioned organizations. Thank you for your participation and co-creation of the gathering.

Lots of love from
Basic, Secret Door, Steffi & Troi

Logo Queere Nothilfe Uganda (c) Berlin Collective Action (c)

Update: A few notes about the food during the gathering

Since it is a city gathering and we don’t have a kitchen at the headquarters, you will have to take care of your own food most of the time.

Exceptions are the dinner on Wednesday and the brunch on Sunday. Of course you are also welcome to add some more delicacies to the brunch on Sunday.

If you have any intolerances or allergies, please check the offered food yourself or ask the person who brought it to the meal. The dishes for the dinner are vegan and for the brunch vegetarian or vegan.

You are also welcome to eat your food at the headquarters. You just have to organize it yourself and clean up afterwards. There are several supermarkets, food stores, restaurants and snack bars close to the headquarters.

For easy share of drinks and to be sustainable, it’s nice to have your own cup with you.

Water, tea and coffee as well as fruits and cookies are provided at the Faerie Café. Foxxy will even prepare at times some healing teas for us there.

The picnic on Saturday will be a potluck.

May the gathering nourish us well in all ways possible. 🙂

A loving note about alcohol and other substances

The Orga-Team likes to address the issue of using alcohol and substances during the gathering.

We don’t feel like putting up a strong policy of restrictions here. We would like to remind all fairies to use alcohol and substances responsibly and mindfully. Please be aware of the impact it can have on other fairies who may be in recovery and on the energetic container we are creating together.

For heart circles, bodywork, consciousness/personal growth workshops and similar activities it seems obvious that one wants to attend them sober. For more social events like the picknick or the NTS/Party-evening that might feel different to some of us. 

One good policy in faerie circles is to not offer anything to anybody actively. If fellow faeries recognize you having something and they want it too, let them ask for it (and feel free to say yes or no to share).

Another mindful thing to do is asking: „How do you feel about me having now (for example:) a cigarette here?“ That question is different from asking: „Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette here?“ With the second question you will mostly get a polite „Go ahead.“ The first question leads to a deeper conversation and you will actually get to know what other faeries feel about your action.

The gathering might also be a good occasion to break with habits and to explore how you feel, if you do not what you usually would do in a specific situation. Watching what thoughts and emotions are triggered by that.

At the end it’s all about enjoying what you‘re doing or not doing with respect to the boundaries of the people around you.