Couch Surfing Mandatory fields # Name # Fae Name City / Country E-mail address # Phone-Number # If not local - please include country code (e.g. +44 for UK) We will try to get people together who needs or provides accommodation at the gathering. Therefore we will get in touch with you to find a good match. Only the Organizers and possible matches will get your personal data. Please check if you are in need of or if you can offer accommodation # I needI can offer If you need a bed: I have special needs and/or wishes (e.g. allergies, disabilities) If you can provide accommodation Please provide the location of your accommodation, the amount of beds you can offer and useful information or restrictions. (e.g. pets, stairs, couch or bed) Questions or messages to the organizer: Bitte lasse dieses Feld leer. By searching or providing accommodation using this form, you consent to the collection of the personal data that you have provided above. When you click “Send” these data are immediately e-mailed to the organizers. They will know you are searching or offering a bed and can personally contact you. No data are ever shared with third parties. If you at any time wish to retrieve your details or have them deleted, please email Secret Door. This form is not necessary to attend the Berlin Summer gathering. But if you do not consent to the collection of your data, you cannot search or offer accommodation using this online form. In that case, you should contact us directly via the above Email-Address.